Mission & Vision

Our mission is to safeguard aquatic ecosystems through informed collaboration and forward-looking strategies. We are dedicated to integrating scientific research with the traditions of anglers, ensuring the conservation and protection of native fish populations and preventing the introduction of invasive species and pathogens. With a foundation of respect for diverse perspectives and a commitment to research-driven solutions, we work towards the responsible management of our waterways, embracing a multi-state approach to achieve a nationwide impact.
Our vision is a future where waterways thrive with native biodiversity, supported by robust conservation strategies and cohesive community efforts. We envision a collaborative environment where communities, anglers, and legislators unite to uphold the ecological integrity of our aquatic resources, ensuring their vitality for generations to come.

Our History

Our journey began in early 2023, driven by a shared passion for the health of our waterways. Our work goes beyond environmental protection; it reflects a profound commitment to respecting and valuing life in every shape and form. We are a team of passionate conservationists, united by a deep sense of responsibility and compassion. We are motivated not just by the need to tackle ecological challenges like invasive species and declining fish populations, but also by a recognition of the broader implications of our actions on aquatic life.

Our Values

  • Collaborative Conservation: We believe in uniting anglers, environmental organizations, and policymakers to achieve common goals in aquatic conservation.
  • Proactive Stewardship: Anticipating challenges and addressing them before they escalate is at the heart of our work.
  • Respectful Advocacy and Inclusive Dialogue: While advocating for policies to protect our waterways, we remain committed to supporting the recreation and livelihoods that depend on these vital ecosystems.
  • Scientific Rigor: Our policies and initiatives are informed by cutting-edge research and ecological understanding.